Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting Ready!

Good morning everyone!  I completely forgot to sit down and blog yesterday.  I woke up and decided I would go ahead and write since this will be the last entry for Maggie and the BURBS!.  My brother arrives next week and I have decided that as his big sister, I would create a blog for both of us.  I have not finished setting up the new page but be sure to keep an eye out for a new URL in the coming weeks.  Speaking of my brother, I had just about finished everything I could do for his welcome home.  I had left food in his crib, I had saved some milk for him under the couch, I stored LEGO men and car wheels in special hiding places so he would be excited to play when he found them and I tested all his baby equipment out so that it would be safe.  Unfortunately, my parents found all of the food, milk and toys and took them away!  How am I supposed to take care of my sweet baby brother if my parents keep ruining my surprises?  I guess I will just have to outsmart my mom.  We have lots planned this week because my mom is constantly reminding me that this is the last week I will be an only child.  We have already gone swimming, to the library and the playground and we still have more to do.  I hear we are going to the zoo and I have also been promised bagels with my daddy one morning.  I cannot wait for the baby to get here.  I hope he brings chocolate to share.  I think that would be a nice thing for him to do.  I will take lots of pictures when he arrives and post them ASAP.  Well, I still have lots to do.  Better be going.  -Maggie     

This week: I read books with my dad, I spied on my neighbors, I went swimming and it rained on us, I tested the baby's toys for safety and I finished painting our room.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

They took away my pacifier...

Good afternoon everyone! Well, I am doing better than expected. As of last week, I am no longer allowed to have my pacifier. I am sad but I understand. I have written a list of pros and cons and I would like to share my list with you. Pro, I smile more. Con, I miss it. Pro, I can sing and laugh really loud and not worry about my pacifier falling out. Con, I wish I still had it. Pro, I am learning how to speak more clearly and people understand me. Con, I have nothing to suck on. Pro, everyone thinks I am beautiful now. Con, I really really want it. After I looked at all the pros and cons, I realized I do not need my pacifier. I have now willingly given it up and I am proud of myself. I guess that is on the "pro" list also. In other news, I had my last day of swim lessons today. I can kick my legs, float on my back and go all the way under water. My teacher said I was like a fish. I like fish. I am disappointed that my lessons are over. At first, I was unsure and a little scared of the big pool. Now, I can't get enough. I would live in the pool if my mom would serve my meals in there and let me watch Dora the Explorer while I blew bubbles. Unfortunately, I am land bound. I guess there are great things to do on land also. I can ride my bike, run and play on the slides. Speaking of slides, I am late for my playground date. I hope my mom is ready. Better go! Until next week (or as some of you may have noticed, it is more like every other week)... -Maggie
This week: I wrote my blog, I vegged out and watched TV, I sang karaoke, I played in the park, I made improvements to my sippy cup (if you notice, I have added a straw), I got a balloon and I dressed myself.