Tuesday, June 30, 2009

HELP! Beach! Please! Pop!

Long time, no blog! I know. I have been busy. Last week I was on vacation with my mom, dad, Gramma, Pop and Uncle Tom. We went to the beach. Or as they say here in Jersey, the shore. I would like to start off by saying it was the most fantastic place I have ever been. I loved the water, I loved the sand and I never wanted to leave. Unfortunately, they made me leave and no matter how hard I tried, I was unable to convince anyone to bring me back. The best part of the beach was the water. It was cold but I was really tough. I ran through the waves and I didn't look back. I also liked being buried in the sand and stomping on castles my mom had built. Every day when we left, Pop bought me ice cream. It was glorious. We sang songs, danced in our chairs and covered ourselves in ice cream. Well, I covered myself in ice cream. No one else seemed to enjoy their dessert as much as I did. When I was not at the beach or eating ice cream, I was playing in the backyard. I must remember to tell my mom to get a backyard because I love outside. There were beach balls, a pool, grass, flowers and lots of room to run and jump. I had so much fun. I do miss my uncle and my grandparents but I have been promised they will be back when my little brother is born. Speaking of my little brother, I think he better get here soon because my mom is going to pop if she gets any bigger. Well, I just took a break from coloring so I could send you an update but I hear my crayons calling. Gotta go! Until next week... -Maggie
This week: I went to the beach and had fun!