Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Good evening everyone! I know you may be concerned that I am up past my bedtime and it is a valid concern. It is very
late but I had the desire to blog. So I guess I should recap my week. Well, this past weekend my parents bought me a car! I know. I thought we were destined to walk everywhere for the rest of my life but those days are over. We still walk a lot but as it turns out, there is a big world out there that you can only access by car. Our first outing was to Welch Lake with the Gallaghers. An outing only made possible by our car. I had so much fun. We had a picnic and went swimming and played in the sand. Summer is fun. It really is. I love the water and it seems we get to play in it all the time. However, I must admit I am not a huge fan of the pool. My mom signed me up for swimming lessons and well, they are not fun. Imagine a large pool with rubber ducks floating around, kids laughing and your mom holding you back from all the fun. I do not understand why I cannot show her how great of a swimmer I am all by myself. She keeps telling me I will just sink to the bottom if she lets go of me but that is ridiculous. So unfortunately, against every fiber of being, my mom holds me for the entire 30 minute class. I may someday give in to her over protective ways but not today. I truly hope this summer continues to be as wonderful. I am having a blast. Before I close, I wanted to express my deepest condolences for those of you that live in Texas. I have heard the heat is disgusting. It was 81 degrees here today and that is hot enough. My thoughts are with you, Texans. Stay hydrated and stay inside. This too shall pass. Well, off to bed. Until next week... -Maggie
This week: I slept in the car, ate beans and rice, went to the lake and played in the water.